Biotecnomed presents the first professionalizing course of CST Studio Suite a Catanzaro.
CST Studio Suite (Dassault Systems) is a 3D electromagnetic simulation software and is used in leading technology and engineering companies around the world. It offers significant advantages in terms of "time to market”, facilitating shorter development cycles and reduced costs. The simulation allows the use of thevirtual prototyping.
TYPE: Base |
DURATION: 48 ore [divided into 2 sessions per day, lasting 4 hours each, per 6 days] |
HOURS: 9:00 – 13:00 | 14:00 – 18:00 |
LINGUA: English |
TRAINER: Raffaele Scuderi, Ph.D. |
The course provides a comprehensive overview for to design, to analyze e optimize electromagnetic components and systems (EM) using the high performance 3D EM analysis software package CST Studio Suite.
CST Studio Suite contains ielectromagnetic field solvers for applications across the EM spectrum that can be coupled to perform hybrid simulations, giving engineers the flexibility to analyze entire systems made up of multiple components, efficiently and directly.
Co-design allows forintegrate EM simulation into the design flow and guides the development process from the early stages, offering significant advantages in terms of "time to market", facilitating shorter development cycles and reduced costs.
The performance of the device can be optimized, potential compliance problems identified and mitigated at the beginning of the design process. In this way the number of physical prototypes required can be reduced and the risk of test and recall failures minimized..
RECIPIENTS: The course is aimed at engineers and designers who intend to perform electromagnetic simulations in the context of product design and / or optimization. |
PROPEDEUTICITY: Basic knowledge of electronics and heat exchange are recommended. An engineering degree is not required. |
DATE: 08-09-16-21-22-23 September. 2022 |
The course is divided into 6 days with two sessions of 4 hours for each in which the following standard modules are addressed.
- Introduction to CST Studio Suite
- CST Studio Suite – EDA/SI-PI
- CST Studio Suite – EMC/EMI
- CST Studio Suite – Low Frequency
- CST Studio Suite –Multiphysics
- CST Studio Suite – Microwave and Antenna
The user will receive from the secretariat, the link and credentials to participate.
Duration: 8 ore
Duration: 8 ore
Duration: 8 ore
Duration: 8 ore
Duration: 8 ore
Duration: 8 ore
* At the end of each daily session, the topics covered can be applied to case-studies proposed by users.