You have until 13th June next to pre-nominate proposals for the M-ERA.Net Notice, the consortium Calabria belongs to, which aims to support the coordination of European research programmes in the field of science and material engineering and contributes to the restructuring of the European Research Area (SER).
The network attracts some thirty organizations from 26 countries, with an initial budget of about 25 million euro. The purpose of the Notice is to finance transnational Research and Technological Development (RTD) projects regarding research and innovation in materials, including those relating to low carbon technologies. The announcement focuses on the following thematic areas: Integrated computational materials engineering (ICME); Innovative surfaces, coatings and interfaces; High performance composites; Multifunctional materials; New strategies for advanced material-based technologies in health applications; Materials for additive manufacturing.
The Calabrian Region participates as a partner in all subject areas, and co-finances the activities with a budget amounting to 500.000 euro, through ‘Action 1.1.4 “Support for collaborative activities of R&D for the development of new sustainable technologies, products and services” from POR Calabria ERDF ESF 2014/2020.
In this first phase it will only be possible to submit your transnational project through the present platform in Pre-Proposals on the official website, this being mandatory if you want to enter the second phase for Full-Proposals. Eligible projects must provide a TRL (Technology Readiness Level) between 3 and 7. For Industrial Research activity the funding goes from 60% in the case of medium sized enterprises, up to 70% in the case of small businesses; for Experimental Development activities, funding goes from 35%, for midsize businesses, up to 45% for Small Businesses.
Calabrian businesses and institutions wishing to participate in the 2017 Tender should submit the additional documents expected by the Scientific Research and Technological Innovation Sector, available on the dedicated website.
to find out more visit website