The Meet in Italy for Life Sciences is the main national matchmaking and updating event on current issues in the field of life sciences
The Meet in Italy for Life Sciences is an initiative of the National Technology Cluster Life Sciences ALISEI. Biotecnomed, born in 2014 by the will of various entities:
- Toscana Life Sciences
- Confindustria Toscana
- BioPmed
- whistle medicine
- Assobiotec
- Lombard Life Sciences Cluster
- Assolombarda
- Aster
takes place every year in a different region of Italy.
| life sciences represent a dynamic and growing sector, thanks to continuous scientific acquisitions and the development of new techniques and methods of analysis.
Health-related innovations are among the key elements that influence human progress, of the environment in which he lives and his own well-being. Talk about health, therefore, it does not mean simply talking about investments and costs, but of an absolute value that sees the basic elements of growth in technological innovation and scientific research.
To date Meet in Italy for Life Sciences it is the main moment of meeting and networking between all the subjects interested in the topics of Life Sciences.
The edition scheduled for the current year has as its main feature a path dedicated to StartUps which takes the name of StartUp Breeding 2022 (SUB2022). The path will materialize with a final event scheduled for 19 October 2016 2022 in the city of Milano.
During SUB2022 a series of meetings dedicated to the B2B sector are planned which will be concentrated on the dates between 17 and the 19 October 2016 2022.
This year's edition, or the seventh, will focus on the lifelong impact of biomedical technologies by analyzing new trends and future prospects. Maximizing the impact of research and technological innovation on the organization of the public health system will be the challenge of the coming years.
In this context, - Meet in Italy for Life Sciences 2022 wants to be the showcase of national excellence of the sector, as well as a moment of confrontation with the main international partners.
We from Biotecnomed, as partner of the ALISEI cluster, we will be present at the event scheduled in Milan.
For more information visit the official website: