Researchers’ Night 2019, now in its sixth edition, ended yesterday, 27th September. This event has been running concurrently throughout Europe and is funded by the European Community, is organized by the three regional universities, CNR and the Region of Calabria and involves almost all the local players who move in the world of research and innovation.
Biotecnomed could not miss out! We took part in UMG with our own set up and with Unical in the regional stand for Innovation Clusters. We encountered great interest in both places and recorded excellent participation, from the smallest school groups to the most important representatives of institutions such as the president of the Calabria Region.
Between exhibitions and shows, experiments and field demonstrations of the latest technologies, the event proved to be a very important showcase to allow people to experience first hand the importance of research and the impact on the local area that can be generated by a vibrant university system like ours. Startups, young companies with innovative ideas, universities, research centres and technology centres, all coming together to physically represent the benefit that has come to our region, but above all, to show what good we can do in the future.
For those who missed out, here’s a small gallery of photos taken around the event.