The new application announcement for the 2019 “Degree award / PhD in memory of Bernardo Nobile” has been published!
The prize, sponsored by the Trieste Area Science Park (Scientific and Technological Area), and sponsored by AIDB – Italian Patent Information Users Association, comprises three awards, of 2,500 euro each, for theses that give prominence to patents as a source of information:
– an award for a master’s thesis, either specialised, or through the previous system;
– an award for a PhD thesis;
– an award for a master’s thesis, either specialised, or through the previous system or a PhD which has subsequently led to the filing of a patent application or the birth of a new enterprise.
The announcement is open to those who have obtained, no more than two years previously at the time of the deadline for the submission of applications, either a degree, either specialised or within the previous system, or the title of Doctor of Philosophy at an Italian university, with no age or nationality restrictions, highlighting the information content of patents within their theses.
The deadline for submission of applications is Tuesday 26th June 2018.
For more information and to download the tender information and the application forms:
For contacts and information:
email: /
tel.: 040 375 5142 – 5309
The Area Science Park also offers the opportunity to 10 University students, during the preparation of their theses, to take advantage of a free and targeted patent documentation search, throughout 2018. For more information on this: