The deadline for participating in the public consultation launched by the MIUR, Ministry of Education, Universities and Research has been postponed to 9th June, at 17:00, in order to gather comments and suggestions on the next European Union Framework Programme for Research and Innovation (FP9), in view of the opening of the negotiating table for the definition of the funding program that will happen with Horizon 2020 at the end of the programming period in force (2014-2020).
The aim of the consultation is to seek views from public and private sector researchers, above all about participation, experiences and lessons learned in the context of tenders for proposals within Horizon 2020; the strengths and weaknesses of the programme in place and characteristics and salient features that FP9 should have, to develop a common vision and summarise a shared position in order to guide and bring coherence to the national contribution to the discussion tables.
To participate in the consultation go to this link