The Liceo Scientifico Siciliani and Biotecnomed, awarded by the Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro for school-work pathways
The Liceo Scientifico Siciliani and Biotecnomed, awarded by the Chamber of Commerce of Catanzaro for school-work pathways
Maker Faire Rome: spectacular new appointment with innovationRead more
Recognition from the European Commission on innovation for women This year the EU Prize for Women Innovators is intended to raise the profile of emerging innovators. The competition is funded by the Horizon 2020 programme and it intends to give recognition to women who have succeeded in combining scientific excellence with a business mindset, creatingRead more
Once again it is European Researchers’ Night, a project that has been sponsored by the European Commission since 2005. The event allows non-experts to discover science and research with an opportunity to visit research centres which are either inaccessible or almost inaccessible. The 29th September event will be in addition to another 200 planned forRead more
MEDICA 2017 will be held from the 13th to 16th November in Dusseldorf (Germany). This annual appointment is the world’s largest event for the medical sector. And this year’s MEDICAL will continue to pursue its international route offering a unique choice of global level innovations. During the event, which attracted more than 5,100 exhibitors fromRead more
2017’s Meet In Italy for Life Sciences will be held in Turin from 11th to 13th October. The event is the main matchmaking and updating event in the sector, a free major international effort to develop business opportunities. It is aimed in particular at the world of industry, the world of research, at start ups,Read more
The first meeting of the thematic platform dedicated to S3 Life Sciences will be held on the 27th July at 14:30, in the ‘golden hall’ of the Regional Citadel The Life Sciences Innovation area is characterized by both cross-disciplinary and interdisciplinary strength. Calabria is an area of well-established research, often connected to national networks, butRead more
Registration is now open to IFIB 2017, the Italian Forum on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioeconomy to be held in Rome on 5 e 6 October 2016. This Forum, organized by Assobiotec – the Italian Association for the Development of Biotechnology…
Two days of bilateral meetings between companies, research centers and universities, in one of the most important Italian event dedicated to promoting research to the market: 8 to 9 June 2017 is Innovat program&Match 2017, the customary…
It shares the Start Cup Calabria, the regional business plan competition now in its ninth edition and organized by Fincalabra through CalabriaInnova, University of Calabria, Magna Grecia University and Mediterranean University. Today, 15 May, at 10.30 at the Liaison Office…